Today's chapter: Card
8:27 pm :: Saturday, Oct. 26, 2002

Diaryland Trading Cards!

member since 23.09.2000
400 entries
Supergold Edition

Description: Hard shell, soft centre, vibrant colour, sharp taste

Strengths: Observation, opportunism, perseverance, loyalty

Weaknesses: Self-criticism, bad stress endurance, expensive cosmetics, chocolate

Special Skills: Synesthetic appreciation of words, sounds, colour, time and space. HTML.

Weapons: Wacom tablet. SONY Vaio laptop and a broadband connection. X-ray vision.

7th sense: I see dumb people.

Make your own Diaryland Trading Card!

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What's left of it - the (selected and last few) entries:
New - 2005-02-11
Bye for now - 2003-04-21
butt - 2003-04-06
karate-ka - 2003-03-21
ridicilous - 2003-03-20

All text and other material found herein � GingerBug. Design by GingerBug.
hosted by diaryland